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Benefits of hooping

October 28, 2020

Most people think of hoola hooping as a fun activity for the kids; which it is!, but it is also A LOT more than that. It’s a great way to keep fit : different, fun and effective. 

So, let’s talk about why hoola hooping is good for you …... I have to be honest, when I first started hooping (after I had my second baby), I never thought hooping would have such a great positive effect on my body (and on my mind!)… 
I mean….. We all know hoola hooping is good fun. But it is also seriously good exercise.  It has been scientifically proven to: 

  • Burn up to 400 calories per 30 min session
  • Speed up the weight loss process
  • Strengthen the abdominal area
  • Sculpt thighs, buttocks, arms and waist

It has also been observed that hooping:

  • Enhances flexibility
  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Instils confidence
  • Improves energy levels
  • Promotes laughter and smiles 

and even….. wait for it……… Boosts libido!  Aha. Oh yeah! ;o) Say no more. Let’s hoola! ?
So, what are we waiting for? Let’s do this champ. Let’s get hooping. 
Action points:  
1. Follow Hoola Nation of Facebook (and turn on the notifications): Link to Hoola Nation FB page

2. Become a Hoola Nation Member and let’s hoola together! Click here for more info.

We look forward to hoola with you ?  

With loads of love and hoop la la 
Sasha and Hoola Nation team xxx